Are you a mathematician with killer MVPA-skills? Do you have a vast knowledge of neuroimaging but lack the supercomputer to bring you the glory? Are you too busy pruning your mustache to bother with preprocessing? .... Finally, the ADHD-200 Competition is yours to conquer!  

In order to bring the ADHD-200 Global Competition to a wider audience, The Neuro Bureau is making preprocessed versions of the competition data freely available to the general public. These openly downloadable datasets include both preprocessed structural and functional data, as well as initial standard subject-level analyses. We hope this release will open collaborative possibilities and contributions from researchers not traditionally addressing brain data. So for those whose specialities lay outside of resting-state data analysis, the competition is now one step easier for you to enter. 

The preprocessed data is being made freely available through efforts of The Neuro Bureau as well as the ADHD-200 consortium. We kindly ask that you acknowledge both of these organizations in any publications (conference, journal, etc.) that make use of this data. None of the preprocessing would be possible without the freely available imaging analysis packages, so please also acknowledge the relevant packages and resources as well as any other specific release related acknowledgements.

ADHD-200 Preprocessed Data